Just like the changing of the seasons, so too are the changes in life sometimes. It doesn't always have to be a drastic change. Sometimes just the slightest shift will affect the results. For years I have owned a business that just makes me happy. I get to create things that bring other people joy. However, being a wife and a mother are my first priorities. I have to make sure that I am loving my family well before anything else. Currently, I am in a season where I have to step up my game at home. As some of you know, Aaron was diagnosed with a plethora of food allergies earlier in the summer. Making sure that he has healthy, balanced meals that fit his dietary needs is proving to be something that is going to require more of my time until I can get it down to a science. Equal to that, we are experiencing some other issues here at the house that are undiagnosed and are requiring doctors’ visits, referrals, etc. which require more of my time than usual, and more of my mental space if I am being perfectly honest. Couple those two things with two teenage boys that have tennis and jiu jitsu, a toddler that is like Velcro right now, and a husband that is still doing a lot of hours for work in and out of town, and you end up with one tired mama LOL. Now, while I love my job and I feel super blessed, I am having to take a slight step back. Only meaning that I will not be launching anything new for the holidays that you haven’t already seen, and I will not be as present on socials as I would like to be for work. I need to dedicate more time to home life for this season. It is just more important.
With all of that being said, I do hope that I get to ramp up my blog posts, because I have missed it very much. It will likely be all over the place as I have intentions of posting about:
- updates I am making to the house
- stuff the big kids and I are working on for homeschool this year
- fall and winter activities we will be getting into
- Bible inspirational things I am studying, etc.
- Back tracking our trip to Indiana from Alaska
I am just going to keep on keeping on, and if you have any desire to follow along, I will post each new blog to FB for your convenience! Happy Fall, everyone!