I did a thing today! I made a mini vision board and I am so excited about it! You see, I have a serious problem with wanting to do ALL the things, all at one time LOL! It doesn't turn out well for me. It is like I adopt my husband and sons ADD when it comes to being productive!
Research has shown (I have no idea who did said research HAHA) that making vision boards helps you to be substantially more productive! I do in fact think that this is a fantastic idea to continually encourage yourself to do things that mean something to you! I mean, if you take the time to put them on a vision board then they probably mean a pretty good deal to you, right?
Twenty-twenty turned out to be quite the beast. Twenty-twenty one has not given us a super awesome preview of the coming year either. So, we have two choices. We can sink our heads down, pout, and whine OR we can put on our big girl pants and control the things in our lives that we do in fact have some say so over.
This year is really no different from the rest for us. We will be packing our belongings to move across the country again. We will be homeschooling and starting new adventures. What we won't be doing is being complacent. We are setting goals that are attainable and striving for those. What are you goals/ambitions for this week, this month, this year?!
Here are mine: These are just for me. I also have goals for our family and for the year with the kiddos. However, I think separating goals makes the likelihood of success so much more attainable because it isn't so overwhelming.
- I want to read the Bible through in chronological order (like reading a novel instead of just peoples accounts of thinks that have happened in no particular order).
- Continue to strengthen my gut health and the business that surrounds that.
- Take a Hot Stones Therapy certification course so that it can be offered as part of the gym package!
- Expand my knowledge in essential oils, their uses on the human body and their ability to be used in household situations to make for a cleaner lifestyle.
- Complete my Yoga/Barre certifications so that I can begin teaching.
- Expand my makeup/skincare business!!
As you set your goals or think about what you even want those goals to be, I pray you listen to your heart! Truly place things on that paper that mean something and that are feasible. Setting goals like "I want to make a million dollars this year" is just probably not realistic. The more real the goals the better the outcome and the more likely you are to set more goals in the future! When you figure them out, place them on the board or some place that you will constantly see. I have mine printed and taped into the front of my 2021 Planner. There is no way I will miss seeing those everyday!
Control the things you can, release the things you can't, and spend this year focused on the good! YOU HAVE GOT THIS!
